Shamu Who?

Posted by Sir Phillip Labels:

For the second day in a row, campers were serenaded by some minstrels (otherwise known as the program staff) with a jingle about a giant inflatable whale nicknamed Shamu.

"Find Shamu. I miss him.
Find Shamu and kiss him.
Shamu's prob'ly hiding and he must be found!
He might be at the lake or in the campground."

Followed by a clue to his whereabouts, it's a race to see which castle will recover him first. Speeding off right after the song, Castle 8F returned to the dining hall this morning with Shamu held high over their heads.

Needless to say, we're having a whale of a time!

Today's Passage: Hebrews 13:2
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
Today's Password: See (Response: Aw!)


  1. Anonymous

    It's just like "Find Steve, I miss him"
    it was a slinky last year.

  1. Sir Phillip

    You're right...we've brought back the hunt on a grander, more whale-sized scale!

  1. Anonymous

    Hi to Nick in quad 2. Hope your having a great time. Post some pics of the basketball knights learning their new moves!

    Sir nicks mom

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